Monday, February 11, 2008

Between the lines

It was time to create some new photographs. I've been wanting to do a series for a long time, but my clothing projects have always taken my energy. The concept has been growing, revolving in my brain. Finally a weekend with some sunlight arrived!
The final 14 have been edited down from over 100 photographs, with help and opinions from my special peeps (thank you!)

May I present to you... 'Between the lines'

Between the lines mosaic

I wanted to explore the symbolism of objects, and whether we think of them differently when they're combined with other objects. I used fabric to represent the lines I should look beyond, pinstripe and knit, each with their own connotations.
Each object has meanings for me; how I came by them, the memories. In combination they trigger different thoughts within me. All are personal. I love finding out how others interpret them too, each view individual and unique.
I hope you enjoy them!

Each photograph can be found in full on my flickr page, and will soon be available in my shop. :)

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